Back to the Basement on Saturday, June 13

Virtually 80’s!
Go Back to the 80’s on June 13 with “Back to the Basement“- a virtual concert to support and honor first responders and health-care workers who are on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19.
“Back to the Basement” is intended to bring us back to the days where kids watched
music video after music video on MTV in their basements. If you’re a SoCal native like me and you’ve never seen a house with a basement... well, it sounds cool, so we’ll just go with it.
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Hear At Home with Sunny War
ADVANCED MUSIC HISTORY Cheat Sheet for June 10

KIM DEAL of Pixies/The Breeders
MIKE DOUGHTY of Soul Coughing
In 1967, Bob Dylan and The Band began recording the legendary Basement Tapes in Woodstock, New York.
In 1978, Joe Walsh released “Life’s Been Good.”
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